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- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 94 11:59:17 PST
- From: The Info-Mac Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #147
- To: info-mac-list
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest"
- --Info-Mac-Digest
- Info-Mac Digest Tue, 8 Nov 94 Volume 12 : Issue 147
- Today's Topics:
- [!] Attn AOL users
- [!] This digest is MIMEd!
- [*] ASFU Fixer (version 1.0.1); compatibility with GDT PowerPrint
- [*] AutoCat 1.0.3; a floppy cataloger
- [*] AUTOFOCUS is a HyperCard stack which discusses photography
- [*] Bikaka 1.3 - hexagonal Tetris
- [*] Clip3Clip; a clippings utility
- [*] csmp-digest-v3-066
- [*] EPS Fixer Guide Files; Apple Guide files for the application
- [*] FirstClass 2.6; a BBS client
- [*] MacSense Issue #12, November 1994
- [*] Miracle 1.3.5; Miracle Piano teaching application
- [*] Musical Composition: Trapezium
- [*] StyleScript printer driver
- [*] SunBlock 2.3 screensaver/security application
- [*] suntar 2.0.3; a compression utility
- [*] TidBITS#251/07-Nov-94
- (Q) Mac-SCCS ?
- AMT definition for UfoMate modem?
- Canvas 3.5 poltergeist
- DeskTop Rebuild Fails (Brute-Force Solution)
- Disappearing windows
- Disk labeler program
- Document Comparison
- FileMaker Pro and Apple ImageWriter II
- File Sharing
- FPU for Blackbirds (Q)
- GeoQuery contact information?
- Getting to files in windows opened off screen
- Getting to files in windows opened off screen (R)
- Getting to files in windows opened off screen [Partial A]
- Help with Mosaic/Netscape and HTML files
- Info-Mac Digest V12 #145
- InterSLIP with Express Modem 14400
- ISDN interface for Mac
- jpeg/giff Mac -> PC (Q)
- Looking for info/sites for developmentaly disabled access to computers
- MacLinux Announcement
- Mounting SUN server on Mac hard drive
- Newsreader & POP
- News Server On a Mac?
- No room in Heap Zone?
- OS wars in scientific computing
- Reply to System 7.5 problem
- Re system 7.5 problem (A)
- SE/30 disk drive defect
- System 7.5 problem
- tektronix cq driver
- Test Statistics
- The wumpus-nVIR problem
- UNIX on the Mac
- Version Numbers
- Vivid Computer Video Projectors...
- Wanted: Loudspeaker design program
- The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
- Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts, Liam Breck, Igor Livshits, Adam C. Engst
- The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around
- the world. For the site list, request it by mail (address below), or try:
- gopher://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/help/mirror-list.txt
- Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/.
- Mail administrative queries and info to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail articles for publication in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail files for inclusion in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- To submit a file greater than 800K, or to avoid submitting by (and
- segmenting for) email, send email describing the file to
- backmod@sumex-aim.stanford.edu and upload it to:
- ftp://daemon.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Incoming
- As with emailed submissions, non-text files must be binhexed.
- --Info-Mac-Digest
- Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"
- Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V12 #147"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 13:36:32 -0600 (CST)
- From: Gordon Watts -- U of Rochester <GWATTS@acdfq.fnal.gov>
- Subject: [!] Attn AOL users
- Hi,
- This message is aimed at AOL users who have subscribed to a info-mac digest
- (you sent a "subscribe" email to one of the listserv addresses). I was not
- aware of this at the time, but it turns out that AOL has its own local copy of
- the info-mac digest. It costs you less money to grab the digest directly from
- AOL, versus subscribing to it and receiving it in your mail box.
- Adam Engst (another one of info-mac's moderators) has provided the following
- pointers:
- ---
- To retrieve recent Info-Mac Digests on America Online, go to the Macintosh
- Hardware Forum (keyword: MHW) and look in the New Files & Free Uploading
- file library. Old issues are stored in a special Info-Mac Digest library.
- The files are stored in text format, and you must download them and read
- them in a program that can handle text files larger than 32K (any word
- processor will work). To submit a message to the Info-Mac Digest, send it
- in email to: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu (making sure not to include a
- signature longer than two lines).
- ---
- Here is a sample of the abstract file (I'm sorry, I don't know the proper
- terminology for AOL):
- Subj: Info-Mac Digest 12-142 941028 November 1, 1994
- From: AFA DaveAx
- File: infomacv12-142.txt (56783 bytes)
- DL time (9600 baud): < 1 minute
- Download count: 138
- Uploaded on: America Online
- AUTHOR: The Moderators & the Internet
- EQUIPMENT: Any computer
- NEEDS: Mac w/text file reader for >32K or PC
- Info-Mac Digest Fri, 28 Oct 94 Volume 12 : Issue 142
- Today's Topics:
- [*] AOL Newton Books; about AOL
- [*] Barney Blaster 2.0.1, an After Dark module
- [*] CalcOne; a calculator for the Mac
- ...
- This file has been checked with Disinfectant 3.5 and is known to be
- virus-free at the time of uploading. -- ckf
- This file can be found in the Macintosh Hardware Forum's Software Libraries
- (keyword MHW).
- 10/28/94 10/28/94
- ------------
- To unsubscribe from the list send "unsubscribe" to the same listserv address
- you sent the "subscribe" mail message to. If that doesn't work then send a plea
- for help to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu and we will try to help you
- get unsubscribed from the list. Send the first 20 lines, or so, of the last
- digest to got as well so we can figure out what listserv you subscribed to.
- Good luck.
- Cheers,
- Gordon (info-mac moderator).
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 8:58:02 -0600 (CST)
- From: Gordon Watts -- U of Rochester <GWATTS@acdfq.fnal.gov>
- Subject: [!] This digest is MIMEd!
- Hi,
- This is the digest on MIME.
- Let us know what you think.
- If there aren't too many complaints we will adopt this as the normal format
- for the digest.
- Cheers,
- Gordon (info-mac moderator).
- ------------------------------
- Date: 7 Nov 1994 11:11:08 U
- From: "Simon Kok" <simon_kok@qmail.gdt.com>
- Subject: [*] ASFU Fixer (version 1.0.1); compatibility with GDT PowerPrint
- The ASFU Fixer (version 1.0.1) makes your Power Macintosh and Macintosh AV
- serial ports compatible with the GDT PowerPrint high speed serial-to-parallel
- converter.
- Cheers!
- Simon Kok
- Product Support Specialist
- GDT Softworks Inc.
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/asfu-fixer-101.hqx; 37K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 04 Nov 94 11:28:08 -0500
- From: olivier lebra <lebra@cs.concordia.ca>
- Subject: [*] AutoCat 1.0.3; a floppy cataloger
- AutoCat is a control panel that automatically catalogs your
- floppy disks when they are ejected. With AutoCat, you only have
- to write the name of your disks on their label. To find a file,
- you can uses the "Find..." command from the Finder as if your
- file was on your hard disk.
- How does AutoCat catalog disks ?
- While you eject a disk, AutoCat creates a folder (with the same
- name as your disk and with a customized AutoCat icon). It puts
- in this folder aliases of all the files of the disk. AutoCat
- maintains the hierarchy of your floppy disk : it copies folders
- of the disk and, instead of copying files, makes aliases and
- puts them in their folders.
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/auto-cat-103.hqx; 46K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 15:44:01 -0600
- From: rayling@dialup.francenet.fr (Randall Ayling)
- Subject: [*] AUTOFOCUS is a HyperCard stack which discusses photography
- Randy Ayling
- 121, rue de Carency
- 62400 B=E9thune
- =46RANCE
- Phone 21 56 91 04
- =46ax 21 61 22 57
- e-mail rayling@dialup.francenet.fr
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/auto-focus-hc.hqx; 61K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 15:00:16 +0100
- From: ae@radfys.ks.se (Anders =?iso-8859-1?Q?Ekl=F6f?= )
- Subject: [*] Bikaka 1.3 - hexagonal Tetris
- Another Tetris... So what?
- Yes, this is yet another Tetris clone. Sure. To be precise, it is a
- hexagonal tetris. Some of you might scream "Hextris" when I say that. Yes,
- I know about Hextris, even though I didn't when I wrote the game. The two
- games are just about as different as two games can be while still being
- "hexagonal Tetrises". Here are the major differences betweeen this game and
- Hextris:
- - The hex grid is not oriented in the same direction. This removes some
- annoying problems with Hextris, like pieces "jumping" up and down when you
- move them sideways, and rows being zig-zag, so it is hard to tell if two
- hexes are on the same line or on two adjacent lines. It also means that the
- pieces do not fall straight down, but that is a feature. :-)
- - High score list. Just a plain one, with 10 entries. Oh, yes, there is a
- small secret feature too...
- - Color. It works on B/W Macs too.
- - Configurable controls, including support for arrow-keys and other special
- keys: just type the ASCII number instead of the key.
- Enhancements in version 1.3:
- - Better color! It now uses Color Quickdraw rather than the older 8-color
- graphics that I used up to version 1.2. The choice between different colors
- is removed. The colors on the color pieces were chosen to look good in 16
- colors.
- - Added a "piece freeze sound" (can be disabled), played when a piece is
- fixed to the grid and no longer moveable.
- - Modified event handling to reduce background processing when the game
- needs more speed.
- - Saves scores and preferences in the System folder if the application is
- locked (i.e. on locked volume or compressed with AutoDoubler).
- - Statistics window, showing the number of each shape that has appeared.
- - An option to replace the old game-over-sound with one that won't offend
- anyone - and that is also more international!
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/bikaka-13.hqx; 107K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 15:11:31 +0100 (MET)
- From: obo@ruk.cuni.cz (Ondrej Bojar)
- Subject: [*] Clip3Clip; a clippings utility
- Clip3Clip
- (new version of Clip2Clip)
- This tiny application converts contents of 'clipping' files to
- the clipboard and contents of the clipboard to a clipping file.
- ReadMe included.
- Ondrej Bojar, obo@cuni.cz
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/clip-three-clip.hqx; 19K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 16:29:31 +0100 (MET)
- From: pottier@clipper.ens.fr (Francois Pottier)
- Subject: [*] csmp-digest-v3-066
- C.S.M.P. Digest Mon, 07 Nov 94 Volume 3 : Issue 66
- Today's Topics:
- #defines by the compiler (CodeWarrior)
- Announcement: New Mac C++ Programming Book Available
- Apple Guide: Styled text FUBAR
- Basic GWorlds and QuickDraw Newbie
- CW & Code Resources -- poor?
- Desktop Pictures
- Drag-and-drop to cdev window?
- Fastest way to fill memory with a given value?
- Gestalt Selectors List 2.6
- Global storage in code resources
- How to execute MPW tools without MPW
- MacTCP Completion Routines & Async Nofification
- Memory Management within the Real World
- NewGWorld returns null pointer
- Pathnames? I don't think so...
- Q: Creating Variable sized structures?
- QuickTime + MIDI?
- Software volume locking: HELP!
- Some string routines for the PowerPC
- Tech Notes on the World Wide Web, and History Is Made
- The Comp.Sys.Mac.Programmer Digest is moderated by Francois Pottier
- (pottier@clipper.ens.fr).
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/csmp/csmp-v3-066.txt; 164K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 94 10:19:21 EST
- From: schooley@ee.gatech.edu (David Schooley)
- Subject: [*] EPS Fixer Guide Files; Apple Guide files for the application
- Apple Guide files for EPS Fixer 1.3. System 7.5 or later
- required.
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/eps-fixer-13-guide.hqx; 54K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 15:38:40 -0600
- From: Chuck Crews <ccrews@interpath.net>
- Subject: [*] FirstClass 2.6; a BBS client
- Graphical front-end software required to
- connect via network or modem to FirstClass systems. Will run on any Mac
- with at least 1 MB of RAM. Docs in Word format.
- This version introduces the ability to connect over TCP/IP to FirstClass
- servers licensed with SoftArc's optional TCP/IP Module.
- Chuck Crews
- Chapel Hill, NC
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/bbs/first-class-26-client.hqx; 784K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 15:41:41 -0600
- From: Andrew Sinclair-Day <sinclair@pcnet.com>
- Subject: [*] MacSense Issue #12, November 1994
- MacSense is a new electronic magazine (based in Canada) which seeks to
- provide interesting and insightful Macintosh information to an
- international market.
- The attached file is a Stuffit archive. You will need Stuffit Expander
- or other another Stuffit compression utility to extract it.
- MacSense requires a Macintosh with a 640-pixel wide display and at
- least 16 shades of grey. For optimal viewing, we recommend 16-bit
- color.
- NEWS: Are Big Blue Apple Due Soon?, Apple Revamps Printer Lineup.
- APPLEBITS: Apple Software Updates, PCMCIA for PowerBook 500's and
- more...
- QUICKBITS: America Online gets a facelift, Alladin updates Stuffit,
- and more...
- EDITOR'S NOTE: Constant Improvement.
- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Where to find MacSense, eWorld Rate
- Corrections.
- FEATURE: Hands On: System 7.5, Part II.
- THE DILETTANTE: Renzo Piche reflects upon his journey to MacWorld
- Toronto.
- TECHNOPHILIA: A new semi-regular column by MacSense staffer Neil
- Yates.
- SOFTWARE REVIEWS: Sensory Overload, LINKS Pro.
- HARDWARE REVIEWS: The Quadra 630.
- I apologize in advance for the robust size of this issue...but check
- out the content!
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/macs/mac-sense-12.hqx; 518K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 10:33:23 +0100
- From: Frank_Harper@turbomeca.fr (Frank HARPER)
- Subject: [*] Miracle 1.3.5; Miracle Piano teaching application
- This is a new version of the Miracle Piano teaching application which fixes
- problems (lockups, etc.) when running on PowerBooks or Dockers.
- If you don't have a Miracle Keyboard attached to your Mac, and a previous
- version of the Miracle software installed, this file will be of no use to you.
- To install put the new application in your Miracle folder and delete or rename
- the previous version of the application.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/miracle-135.hqx; 813K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 07 Nov 1994 00:15:49 -0500 (EST)
- From: ESSOTERIC@delphi.com
- Subject: [*] Musical Composition: Trapezium
- The Musical Composition Entitled
- Trapezium
- (and stored in the Macintosh file "Shoemaker 007 v01") is
- The file "Shoemaker 007 v01" is a Macintosh QuickTime 2.0 MIDI
- Music Movie; it requires QuickTime 2.0 and the
- QuickTime Musical Instruments extension.
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/qt/shoemaker-007-01.hqx; 60K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 7 Nov 1994 11:13:05 U
- From: "Simon Kok" <simon_kok@qmail.gdt.com>
- Subject: [*] StyleScript printer driver
- This updater contains the latest version of the StyleScript printer driver,
- new CRD's, the Apple Serial Switch and a PDF file for QuarkExpress users.
- This updater will only work with the full retail version of StyleScript v1.0
- Cheers!
- Simon Kok
- Product Support Specialist
- GDT Softworks Inc.
- [Archived as /info-mac/prn/style-script-101-driver.hqx; 624K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Nov 1994 11:36:14 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Brian Cyr <S29208%MOTHER@utrcgw.utc.com>
- Subject: [*] SunBlock 2.3 screensaver/security application
- SunBlock 2.3 is a small screensaver that provides 18 different
- 'modules', selectable from a configuration window. It is an
- application, not a control panel, so it works only when you
- specifically want it to. SunBlock also provides password protection
- for your computer against unwanted entry by other users. This option
- may be turned on or off, and you may select your own password. The
- Force Quit command (CMD-OPT-ESC keys) has been disabled to provide a
- more secure environment.
- SunBlock requires Color QuickDraw to run. If there's still an
- interest in a b/w version let me know.
- This version is free to all registered users. Thanks for your
- support!! If you use SunBlock, and haven't yet registered, I ask the
- small fee of $5.00. Please support shareware!
- Brian Cyr <bcyr@sikorsky.com>
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/sun-block-23.hqx; 91K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 94 16:28:50 MET
- From: speranza@cirfid.unibo.it (Sauro Speranza)
- Subject: [*] suntar 2.0.3; a compression utility
- This is version 2.0.3 of suntar, the tar program for the Macintosh.
- Sauro Speranza e-mail: speranza@cirfid.unibo.it
- [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/suntar-203.hqx; 175K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 94 20:42:24 PDT
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: [*] TidBITS#251/07-Nov-94
- TidBITS#251/07-Nov-94
- Find out below why Apple is a lousy lover, according to long-time
- developer Dave Winer. We also take a long, hard look at SCSI
- Manager 4.3, which could improve performance on most 68040 Macs
- with System 7.5 and the right applications. Mark Anbinder
- presents a brief bit on the Power 8100/110 and also looks at CE
- Software's QuickMail Internet Access Kit. Finally, check out
- the new URL for our Web server, and a $199 deal on a Newton
- MessagePad 100.
- Topics:
- MailBITS/07-Nov-94
- Better, Stronger, Faster
- Workgroup Internet QuickMail
- It's All About Love
- Why SCSI Manager 4.3?
- Reviews/07-Nov-94
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-251.etx; 30K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 10:32:11 -0500 (EST)
- From: igor@pop.btg.com (Daniel White)
- Subject: (Q) Mac-SCCS ?
- I am looking for a Macintosh-equivalent of Unix SCCS to allow multiple
- folks to work with a document collection across a network.
- Thanx in advance
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 08:14:24 +0100
- From: macboden@algonet.se (Johan Solve)
- Subject: AMT definition for UfoMate modem?
- Can someone point to a source where I can find Apple Modem Tool (1.5) modem
- definitions, specifically for the UfoMate 144/96 and 144/144 modems.
- I can't get the modem to work reliably with the standard Hayes compatible
- definition.
- Thanks in advance,
- Johan Solve
- macboden@algonet.se
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 07:46:39 -0800
- From: lstal@sgbcd.weizmann.ac.il (ellen)
- Subject: Canvas 3.5 poltergeist
- Dear Netters,
- Yesterday I switched hard disks in my PowerMac 7100 from the
- original 230 MB to a 500 MB. I transferred all of the original hard disk
- contents directly to the new hard disk. I then rebooted the Mac using the
- new hard disk. When I saw it to be a successful, bootable hard disk, only
- then did I replace the two disks. Everything seems to work fine except for
- my Canvas 3.5.
- Canvas loads until almost the end then asks for the hard disk. I
- have given the same name to my new hard disk, have thrown away all old
- Canvas files, have reloaded the program from the original disks, have
- loaded another copy of Canvas 3.5, rebuilt the desktop, and Zapped the
- Pram. It still asks fto insert the old disk. Any suggestions?? TIA.
- Ellen
- Ellen Tal lstal@sgbcd.weizmann.ac.il
- Biological Computing Division work tel. 08-342614
- Weizmann Institute of Science home tel. 08-411216
- Rehovot 76100, ISRAEL fax: 972-8-344113
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 10:15:50 -0800
- From: kroemer@apex.ece.ucsb.edu (Herb Kroemer)
- Subject: DeskTop Rebuild Fails (Brute-Force Solution)
- This is a follow-up on the desktop rebuild failure I reported in Digest #
- 134 and #138, on which there was some subsequent net traffic by others,
- plus direct EMail to me.
- Several individulas advised assorted clever procedures claimed to trick the
- Mac into rebuilding the DeskTop. NONE of the tricks worked in my case, and
- I finally gave up and applied the brute-force approach of backing it up,
- and re-initializing it.
- I was reasonably sure that this would work (and it did), but even on that
- approach I was warned by Rick Zaccone (zaccone@bucknell.edu), who once had
- a similar problem, in which case the bug was carried over even into the
- backup. He had to resort to a tricky restore procedure so he wouldn't
- simply restore the problem itself. I will not describe his procedure here,
- nor the extra precautions I took to avoid that problem. I am not sure these
- precautions were needed in my case, but I would be happy to send a detailed
- description to anyone who has a DT rebuild problem and for whom the
- straightforward backup-initialize-restore procedure does not work.
- Many Thank to all who tried to help!!
- Herb Kroemer
- ECE Dept.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 21:39:45 -0500
- From: Scott Coats <pp001325@interramp.com>
- Subject: Disappearing windows
- daneel@wicc.weizmann.ac.il (David L. Hirschberg) writes in issue #146:
- >I mount a remote drive from a computer with a big screen (17inch) onto the
- >desktop of my SE/30. When I try to open the volume by double clicking it
- >opens off screen. I can seen the zoom flying off to the left. What do I
- >do now? Is there a way to clean up the window or toss bring it back to the
- >center of the screen?
- >
- >I also had this problem with an inserted disk. A folder that I opened did
- >so off screen (this was on a 17 inch screen). At least then I could view
- >the folders by name. I was never able to gain control of the window
- >position in the icon view though. Since it was in my mac I was able to
- >list the files by name and I could see them them.
- >
- >What to do?
- David:
- Open a window on your screen (any window will do as long as the close box is
- visible). Option-click the close box to close all open windows. You should
- now be able to open the window you want within the space allotted on your
- screen.
- Scott Coats <pp001325@interramp.com>
- Innovative Solutions
- 218 Second Street
- Key Largo, FL 33037-4837
- INSOLUTION@aol.com
- INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- 305/451-4560 Vox
- 305/451-2411 Fax
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 07 Nov 1994 19:44:00 -0400
- From: Mark Stephansky Whitman-Hanson 617-447-7020 <STEPHANSKYM@a1.mec.mass.edu>
- Subject: Disk labeler program
- Hi All:
- A short while ago I posted a request for a disk labeler/cataloger program
- similar to the no longer supported Disk Accessory Plus. A number of folks
- responded with the shareware program Loodles found on info mac under the disk
- directory. In the words of Allan Hunter the program "makes a catalog of the
- contents of all floppies inserted while running and will happily print labels
- for each disk..." (in popular label formats).
- Thanks to all who responded
- -mark
- -stephanskym@a1.mec.mass.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 21:40:24 -0500
- From: Scott Coats <pp001325@interramp.com>
- Subject: Document Comparison
- FNELSON@OCVAXA.CC.OBERLIN.EDU (Gary Lee Nelson) writes in issue #146:
- >Subject: Compare program for text
- >
- >I am running system 7.1 and the two programs I had been
- >using for text comparison (Compare & Compare 0.9) bomb with
- >error=1 or 3 when I start them. I assume they do not work
- >with newer systems or newer Macs. Does anyone have a suggestion
- >for a program to replace them? <more>
- Try DocuComp II. It's a commerical program available from the major mail
- order houses. Works great for two of the law firms I work with.
- Scott Coats <pp001325@interramp.com>
- Innovative Solutions
- 218 Second Street
- Key Largo, FL 33037-4837
- INSOLUTION@aol.com
- INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- 305/451-4560 Vox
- 305/451-2411 Fax
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 08 Nov 94 06:33:11 -0500
- From: "Keith E Gatling" <kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu>
- Subject: FileMaker Pro and Apple ImageWriter II
- I've been trying to set up a FMP database to print onto the tractor feed
- 3-part forms that our school uses for progress reports, and I can't seem
- to consistently get the things to start printing in the same place every
- time.
- Is there something about FMP that makes it near to impossible to determine
- where it's going to start printing in an ImageWriter? Shouldn't it be a
- simple case of "set where the top of the form is, and then print" or am I
- doing something wrong?
- Thanks for your help!
- keg
- * kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu I've got plenty of opinions. Just ask my wife! *
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 22:10:34 -0500
- From: gch2@cornell.edu (Geoffrey Hoffman)
- Subject: File Sharing
- I am having a problem with File sharing. One of my external drives won't=
- share, and when i select it and select sharing from the file menu, i get an=
- error saying something like "One or more items could not be shared, because=
- not all volumes are available for file sharing." What makes a volume not=
- "available" for sharing? I don't think I've changed anything major (but=
- jees, i must have changed something...) Anyone have any ideas?
- thanks in advance.
- Geoffrey Hoffman
- Cornell University
- gch2@cornell.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 14:27 EST
- From: "Don't Panic!" <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
- Subject: FPU for Blackbirds (Q)
- Subject says it all:
- Is there a silicon chip FPU addon to the Blackbird series Powerbooks?
- SoftFPU doesn't work on all programs.
- If there is, where can I obtain one for a 520c, and for how much?
- I was considering getting a 520c as my next computer, but without a an FPU it
- doesn't make much sense to get one.
- Thank you.
- Sincerely,
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 11:16:38 -0800
- From: kcary@pepperdine.edu (Kim Cary)
- Subject: GeoQuery contact information?
- Does anyone have the current contact information for makers of the GeoQuery
- software?
- Kim Cary-Instructional Technologist-Grad School of Ed & Psy
- Pepperdine University(kcary@pepperdine.edu)310-568-5628
- "Boredom excites me!"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 07:45:40 +1100
- From: alf@macadam.mpce.mq.edu.au (Alf van der Poorten)
- Subject: Getting to files in windows opened off screen
- David L. Hirschberg <bnhirsch@wicc.weizmann.ac.il> wrote:
- `I mount a remote drive from a computer with a big screen (17inch) onto the
- desktop of my SE/30. When I try to open the volume by double clicking it
- opens off screen. I can seen the zoom flying off to the left. What do I
- do now? Is there a way to clean up the window or toss bring it back to the
- center of the screen?
- I also had this problem with an inserted disk. A folder that I opened did
- so off screen (this was on a 17 inch screen). At least then I could view
- the folders by name. I was never able to gain control of the window
- position in the icon view though. Since it was in my mac I was able to
- list the files by name and I could see them them.'
- ____
- Find the ControlPanel `Drag Any Window'. Install it. I've set it so that
- holding
- Control-Option-Command causes a click to jump the centre of any window to
- the click point. It's a lifesaver.
- You'll find it at /info-mac/gui/drag-any-window-301.hqx
- Alf van der Poorten
- Head, School of Mathematics, Physics, Computing and Electronics
- Director, ceNTRe for Number Theory Research
- Macquarie University
- alf@mpce.mq.edu.au (fax: +61 2 850 9502 or, fax at home: +61 2 415 6282)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 94 21:56:21 PST
- From: jbthoo@ucdavis.edu (John Thoo)
- Subject: Getting to files in windows opened off screen (R)
- On 5 Nov 1994 daneel@wicc.weizmann.ac.il (David L. Hirschberg) wrote:
- > I mount a remote drive from a computer with a big screen (17inch) onto the
- > desktop of my SE/30. When I try to open the volume by double clicking it
- > opens off screen. I can seen the zoom flying off to the left. What do I
- > do now? Is there a way to clean up the window or toss bring it back to the
- > center of the screen?
- I believe that MoveWindow FKEY is what you seek.
- ftp://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/gui/move-window-fkey.hqx
- --John.
- J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis, CA 95616-8633
- Internet: <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu> or <jbthoo@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu>
- Home Page: <http://math.ucdavis.edu/~jb2>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 16:52:29 -0600
- From: chavey@beloit.edu (Darrah Chavey)
- Subject: Getting to files in windows opened off screen [Partial A]
- >Date: Sat, 5 Nov 1994 20:34:17 +0300
- >From: daneel@wicc.weizmann.ac.il (David L. Hirschberg)
- >Subject: (Q) Getting to files in windows opened off screen
- >
- >Hi I have encountered this a few times.
- >
- >I mount a remote drive from a computer with a big screen (17inch) onto the
- >desktop of my SE/30. When I try to open the volume by double clicking it
- >opens off screen. I can seen the zoom flying off to the left. What do I
- >do now? Is there a way to clean up the window or toss bring it back to the
- >center of the screen?
- >...
- If you have QuicKeys (that's why this is a "partial answer"), you can define
- a key to be the equivalent of clicking the Zoom Box (Finder Set, use
- "Define/Mousies/Zoom Window"). Typing that key will now bring the window back
- on screen.
- --Darrah Chavey Department of Math & Computer Science
- chavey@beloit.edu Beloit College; 700 College St; Beloit, Wisc.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 08 Nov 1994 12:05:38 -0600
- From: Schmiechen@uwplatt.edu (Andrew R. Schmiechen -- University of
- Wisconsin-Platteville)
- Subject: Help with Mosaic/Netscape and HTML files
- Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a problem
- I'm having with Netscape. I recently wrote an HTML page for my self and
- run MacHTTP as the server. No problems yet. Within my page, it has 4
- in-line graphics. All gif format. The problem is, that Netscape won't
- find all the graphics. It only finds one. Then if I reload, it will find
- 2, then if I reload again, it finds 3, etc. Why does it do this?? If I
- use NCSA Mosaic, all four grphics are there the first time. I had a friend
- check it with Netscape for the PC and it did the same thing.
- I would appreciate it if someone could look at my source and tell me if I
- did something wrong. The HTTP address is below in my sig. I appreciate
- any help anyone can give me. Please send response to my e-mail address
- below.
- Thanks
- Andrew R. Schmiechen WWW:
- Schmiechen@uwplatt.edu Finger: Schmiechen@
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 08 Nov 1994 01:52:47 -0700
- From: edmiller@lanl.gov (E. L. Miller)
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #145
- Given the recent additions to NewsWatcher --- specifically the ability to
- open URL's from within the reader itself, I would like to suggest a new
- archive "tagline" for the Info-Mac Digest. Currently you end each file
- summary with
- [Archived as /info-mac...]
- If instead you ended each with
- URLs:
- ftp://...
- http://...
- We could just highlight what we wanted and auto-launch Fetch. One
- "glitch" is that everyone reading the Digest would be hitting the same
- site. Certainly I'm open for suggestions, corrections, etc. but in the
- meantime could we just put WUArchive's URL's?
- Much thanks to Norstad for the incredible improvements in NewsWatcher.
- --
- "A manual is a terrible thing to waste."
- Ed Miller, CIC-2 Desktop Support Group
- Los Alamos Nat'l Laboratories
- [Yep -- way ahead of you. We have plans to move in that direction, but haven't
- for the very reason you mention -- everyone would be going after one machine.
- There are two solutions. First is use a domain name, "info-mac.org" for
- example, and have a DNS rotate the mirrors (this would require all mirrors
- to have the same directory structure). Second is a software component that
- would translate the URLs from one to another. We've not found a machine to
- do the first, and the software component has been written to do the second,
- but we've not tried to get Fetch and Anarchie authors to incorporate it.
- -Gordon]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 09:49:56 +0100
- From: dag@openinfo.se (Dag Rende)
- Subject: InterSLIP with Express Modem 14400
- I tried to use InterSLIP on PowerBook 540 with built in Express Modem
- 14400. I used the ARA 2.0 dial script as the manual said. But Connect
- hanged up before even dialling the telephone number.
- I call a Sun with TIA.
- I used a gateway script for InterSLIP and TIA i got from a Mac archive
- (written by Bill Arnett <billa@netcom.com>).
- Dag
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 12:27:05 -0500
- From: ptw@harlequin.com (P. Tucker Withington)
- Subject: ISDN interface for Mac
- Soliciting information, recommendations, etc. for interfacing a Mac to
- ISDN. In particular, I don't really know what I am talking about, but my
- sysadmin claims this would be a better way for me to work from home, rather
- than a 28.8 dial-up modem. The only problem I am told, is that Mac's don't
- do ISDN, so I need a pee-cee. I'm sure that's wrong, so please help me
- out!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 14:08:10 +0001 (EST)
- From: Peter Macdonald <pdmmac@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca>
- Subject: jpeg/giff Mac -> PC (Q)
- I have a giff on the Mac saved as JPEG; what should I do to e-mail this
- to a PC user and what software will he need to read it? Thanks!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 23:33:53 +0200
- From: bnhirsch@wicc.weizmann.ac.il (David L. Hirschberg)
- Subject: Looking for info/sites for developmentaly disabled access to computers
- Dear List,
- I have a friend who is developing software/hardware solutions for
- developmentally disabled people so that they might gain access to
- computers. This would involve solutions for physical and learning
- disabilities. One example would be using speech recognition software for a
- boy who is an incomplete quadraplegic and cannot use a mouse.
- If anyone has information (ftp or web sites, newsletters or lists, funding
- sorces, etc. I would appreciate hearing from you.
- Thank you, David
- bnhirsch@wicc.weizmann.ac.il
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 08 Nov 1994 10:09:55 +0100
- From: ntd@adb.fr
- Subject: MacLinux Announcement
- Found on comp.os.linux.announce:
- > From: dat94gan@ludat.lth.se (George Andrei)
- > Subject: MacLinux Announcement
- > Message-ID: <ann-22953.783988686@cs.cornell.edu>
- > Followup-To: comp.os.linux.misc
- > Keywords: Macintosh Linux kernel port
- > Sender: mdw@cs.cornell.edu (Matt Welsh)
- > Reply-To: dat94gan@ludat.lth.se
- > Organization: Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden
- > Date: Fri, 4 Nov 1994 22:38:25 GMT
- > Approved: linux-announce@tc.cornell.edu (Matt Welsh)
- > Lines: 43
- >
- > It was a big mistake from my part not to post the announcement of MacLinux
- > to the newsgroups. I posted it only on linux-activists( a mail list). So,
- > here you are, enjoy and let me know what you're thinking.
- >
- > MacLinux is bound to become available in fully functional shape around
- > JANUARY/FEBRUARY anno domini 1995. It will run on any MacIntosh with at
- > least:
- >
- > * 68020 PMMU or 68030/68040 with a MMU onboard.
- > * 4 Mb memory
- > * 2 reserved partitions, swap and filesystem. (alt. 1)
- > * 4 Mb for the swappart. and >10 for the filesystem.
- > * any kind of video cards and in any resolutions and fielddepths.
- > * any kind of keyboard.
- > * not any kind of SCSI HD :-)
- > * no FPU required.
- >
- > The initial MacLinux will (does) use the Amiga/Atari Linux
- > executables so that you can directly use the plethora of ported UNIX software
- > for thos Linux platforms. (that is no recompilation!!!)
- >
- > Another new concept in the MacLinux is that different hardware on
- > the Mac are handled in a Mac INIT fashion. That is instead of recompiling the
- > kernel everytime to support new HW you only have to compile the plugin module
- > and run Linux.
- >
- > Any questions (technically,functionally and locational) about
- > MacLinux will be allways answered. Until January, Have a Happy Xmas!
- >
- >
- > Ciao, George Andre
- >
- > **********************************************************
- > George Andre * Who said that Italian was easy?
- > Dept of CS and NumA * I know I'm working my ass of
- > University of Lund * to learn it.. :-(
- > Sweden *
- > **********************************************************
- >
- >
- > --
- > Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: linux-announce@tc.cornell.edu
- > Be sure to include Keywords: and a short description of your software.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 10:12:17 -0800
- From: brunetti@empm.cdpr.ca.gov (Kathy Brunetti)
- Subject: Mounting SUN server on Mac hard drive
- A while back I posted a request for information on Novell Group Wise
- (formerly Word Perfect Office) which I needed to install in order to keep
- using a Mac in an all PC office. I received several very helpful
- replies--and a number of people contacted me to say that they didn't know
- anything about the software, but hang in there and don't let them force you
- into a PC. That was also great! The boss agreed to let us two renegades
- keep our Macs providing we paid for the software ourselves and didn't make
- the sytem administrator do any work.
- Now we have another problem. In our office the DOS/Windows machines are
- networked to SUN/NFS. In order to use Group Wise, we need to be able to
- mount the Sun server harddrive on the Macs. The Macs are connected to the
- network using ethernet cards and they have MacTCP. Apparently we need some
- other program such as NFS/Share that will mount the Sun drive. However all
- the programs we know about are rather expensive ($300 or more) and it's
- coming out of our own pockets. Does anyone know of any shareware or other
- cheap way to get the job done?
- As an alternative, it has been suggested that we run netatalk or CAP
- (Columbia AppleTalk
- Package) on the Sun. Does anyone know anything about these two programs?
- Thanks for any help. If we ever get the whole problem solved, I will
- summarize our struggles & results & make it availble to anyone interested.
- Kathy Brunetti, Agriculture Program Supervisor
- Department of Pesticide Regulation 1020 N Street Room 161 Sacramento CA 95814
- voice (916) 324-4100 FAX (916) 324-4088 brunetti@empm.cdpr.ca.gov
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 11:25:23 -0500 (EST)
- From: msurtees@av8r.dwc.edu (Michael Surtees)
- Subject: Newsreader & POP
- Thanks to all of you who helped me with my TIA problem. I'm up and
- running. Everything works (Mosaic, Anarchie, TurboGopher, etc.) But,
- here we go again, I have one last problem: my UNIX account does NOT use
- POP. Therefore I can send mail with Eudora and such but can't read a
- darn thing. Is there any software that can read my mail WITHOUT POP?
- My account admin says they will NOT install a POP. :( Thanks! :)
- Michael Surtees
- msurtees@av8r.dwc.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 09:47:03 +0700
- From: davidt@tonagra.stortek.com (David Theroff)
- Subject: News Server On a Mac?
- There is a Mac server for gopher
- There is a Mac Server for HTTP
- There are Mac Mail Servers...
- Does anyone know of the existance of a News Server that runs on a Mac ?
- I would like to have my own news server, that news readers could log into.
- If I can not find a news server that runs on a mac, I will have to
- purchase a Sun sparc and run c-news or inn1.4 news.... a big expense
- just to run news. But I want control over the newsgroups for my mac uucp
- account. Presently I have to tell my service provider of every little
- change when I add or remove a newsgroup on my account.--a major drag.
- (using FirstClass UUCP server software)
- Thanks in advance for any help. (I have searched many unix ftp news sites
- without any luck)
- david
- dst@martialnet.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 21:08:17 -0500
- From: allan@ABROCK.COM (Allan Brockway)
- Subject: No room in Heap Zone?
- I have an old DA that refuses to print because of error -108 (not enough
- room in heap zone). I would be very grateful if anyone who knows what this
- means and how to fix it could give me some clues. I'm useing an LCIII with
- 7.1 and 12 megs RAM.
- Thanks in advance.
- Allan R. Brockway (allan@abrock.com)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 16:29:33 -0600 (CST)
- From: Paul Koch <prkoch@engecs1.unl.edu>
- Subject: OS wars in scientific computing
- >From a months-old article in _Software for Science_, Volume 24:
- "The desire to move across platforms and operating systems is evident in
- all sorts of applications from astronomy to visualization. And users
- want applications to run on their computer; "there is nothing more
- frustrating than finding the perfect application and learning that it
- won't run on my Macintosh," says Mike Robinson, an independent
- consultant. But Windows, for better or for worse, is the predominant
- scientific and technical OS. While we expect the PowerPC to give Apple
- users a much needed shot in the arm, especially in the area of
- price/performance, NT has the decided edge. Unlike most other users,
- scientific and technical users need and like to muck around with their
- operating systems - NT still lets you do this more than Mac OS."
- The Editors
- ------------------------------
- Date: 8 Nov 1994 10:54:55 -0500
- From: "Scott Weininger" <weininger@code20.nl.nuwc.navy.mil>
- Subject: Reply to System 7.5 problem
- Greg Ganderson Writes:
- >I have a problem with 7.5 - every time I set the Launcher control panel
- >to automatically open on startup (using the General Controls control
- >panel) and restart or start up, the computer asks me to insert the
- >disk 'Internal HD' as though my Internal HD was a floppy - why won't it
- >recognize my hard drive? When I choose launcher from the control panels
- >folder manually, it does not give me the same message.
- >The same thing happens when I use the time and date control panel and
- >try to change the color of the menu bar clock. The computer again asks
- >me to insert the disk 'Internal HD', and when I try to cancel (I have to
- >choose cancel because the Hard Drive is already there and there is no
- >other option - I can't insert a disk it already has inside the machine!)
- >the computer crashes. Any guesses as to why these bugs are happening?
- Here is a possible Solution:
- Greg,
- Just by chance have you formatted your disk with TranSoft's SCSI Director
- Pro? If you have then go to the SCSI Director Assistant and select your boot
- volume. Click Configure. Click "Disable Finder Eject" radio button. Repeat
- this for all partitions/disks formatted with Pro and reboot. This should fix
- your problem.
- Scott Weininger Naval Undersea Warfare
- Center
- Network Engineer Det New London
- PN: 203-440-5706 FAX:
- 203-440-5243
- Email: weininger@code20.nl.nuwc.navy.mil
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 94 20:12:15 MEZ
- From: uh0v@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
- Subject: Re system 7.5 problem (A)
- Hy there,
- just a question ahead: Are you working on a
- Performa 630 ? If so, you probably have a folder called
- CD - Record in your system folder.
- Just place it on the desktop, and try again, maybe it
- works.
- Yours sincerely,
- Michael Putz, Munich
- da
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 10:56:19 MET-1
- From: "Jozsef Horvath" <JOE@btk.jpte.hu>
- Subject: SE/30 disk drive defect
- Dear netters
- I wonder whether anyone had a problem like mine. Last week when I
- wanted to eject a disk from the drive, the mechanism got stock in the
- process and would neither eject the disk nor put away the icon from
- the desktop. The only way I can now (very rarely) unmount a disk is
- by inserting a paper clip into the little hole next to the drive.
- I say "very rarely" because I would rather not use this paper clip
- option for I fear that might cause even more harm.
- There is no label or any crumbs in the drive, so it's not that sort
- of thing, I am sure of that.
- Could anyone please tell me what might be
- the cause of the problem and how to put it right?
- thanks
- Horvath, Jozsef
- joe@btk.jpte.hu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 07 Nov 1994 16:26:40 CST
- From: Bill Frazier <frazier@iastate.edu>
- Subject: System 7.5 problem
- >In digest <39lfmt$qnv@nntp.Stanford.EDU> Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- >writes:
- >>I have a problem with 7.5 - every time I set the Launcher conrtol panel
- >>to automatically open on startup (using the General Controls control
- >>panel) and restart or start up, the computer asks me to insert the
- >>disk 'Internal HD' as though my Internal HD was a floppy - why won't it
- >>recognize my hard drive? When I choose launcher from the control panels
- >>folder manually, it does not give me the same message.
- >...
- >I've seen the "mount-the-hard-drive" message as well. I tends to
- >appear any time After Dark 3.0 has been running for a while. I've
- >been greeted by the message the last several mornings. I've gotten it
- >on at least one other occasion while I was running an installer. Is
- >this a frequently seen 7.5 problem?
- Bill Frazier
- frazier@iastate.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 4 Nov 1994 13:51:08 -0800
- From: olaf@Geography.geog.uvic.ca
- Subject: tektronix cq driver
- Earlier to day I downloaded the file tektronix-colorquick-driver.hqx
- >From your site. I have been trying to install it on my machine, but the
- installer expects to see the distribution disk, and won't proceed with
- the installation. If you could please forward this message to someone who
- might have a work-around for this problem I would appreciate it.
- Thanks,
- Olaf Niemann
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 18:57:11 -0400 (AST)
- From: "Dwight K. Lemke" <dlemke@juliet.stfx.ca>
- Subject: Test Statistics
- I'm looking for a fw/sw application that will take in a raw data file
- >From machine-read exams and run a few analyses for me. The stats I'd
- like are item-total correlations, discrimination index (basically just a
- correlation as to whether the top quintile was more likely to answer the
- question correctly than the bottom quintile), and Cronbach's alpha for
- the whole test.
- Any ideas? Thanks!
- -Dwight
- --
- |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| Dwight Lemke <dlemke@juliet.stfx.ca>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 07 Nov 1994 11:19:38 +0000
- From: connorbd@cleo.bc.edu
- Subject: The wumpus-nVIR problem
- You can put this in the digest.
- My sincere apologies to the moderators of Info-Mac for the virus infection in
- my
- port of Wumpus.
- I had not known there was a virus in the program and the administrators here at
- the Boston
- College computer center where the port was done have been warned about the
- possibility that
- there is an nVIR infection on the loose and I hope it hasn't hurt anyone
- seriously.
- I'll try to be more careful in the future.
- Brian Connors
- Boston College
- [Thanks for your note Brian. The ones really at fault here are the virus
- author(s). But check your hard disk often and frequently! -Gordon]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 07 Nov 1994 22:59:13 -0500
- From: sfkaplan@amherst.edu (Scott Kaplan)
- Subject: UNIX on the Mac
- Jens Eickhoff wrote:
- >Just keep cool concerning UNIX on Macs. There is an environment that is
- definitely
- >competitive to Linux - MachTen. And what is more - dear PC freaks - is that
- Linux is
- >currently being ported to the PowerPC platform for not to be bound only to
- Intel
- >processors. And what's the interesting thing is: The implementors are working
- >on Apple
- >PowerPC's! So there's no reason to be too arrogant if you have a PC with
- Linux.
- MachTen, while a very good product, is not a very direct competator with
- Linux. MachTen is commercial, and while the price is resonable for what
- it does, it is *far* from free...one of the best parts about Linux.
- Also, I've seen banterings about MacLinux for PowerPC's, but very little
- evidence of something working. In fact, last I heard, the developers ran
- into the same trouble that the NetBSD/Mac group ran into a long long time
- ago--Apple's proprietary hardware. The developers could only get the
- specs that they need by signing a nondisclosure agreement with Apple,
- which would mean that the source could not be distributed--not a very good
- idea with UNIX, and antithetical to what makes Linux desirable. So, the
- MacLinux people are, last I heard, trying to reverse engineer everything.
- Good luck to them, but so far the MacBSD people have found it quite time
- consuming.
- Lastly, I can't see getting excited about a MacLinux which nobody has seen
- in any operational form on any kind of Mac, when MacBSD is running on more
- and more machines all the time. It works on II, IIx, IIci, IIcx, SE/30,
- and very soon IIvi, IIvx, and (possibly) PowerBook 100-series machines.
- Work has been going on getting a kernel running on Quadras (and thus any
- other '040 Mac). I give these guys much better odds at getting to the
- PowerMacs sometime soon. And besides, why run Linux--a self admitted
- "UNIX-like" OS--when you could possibly get the real deal with NetBSD?
- And for those who can't understand running UNIX on a Mac--First, I can
- still keep my Mac system around and use it for things that Macs excel at.
- Second, I already own this IIci and have gotten years of use out of it.
- If I can get a couple more years because of a free OS change, well then
- hey--I get something for nothing. Hard to argue with that, isn't it?
- Scott Kaplan
- sfkaplan@amherst.edu
- Scott Kaplan
- sfkaplan@amherst.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 94 13:51:03 -0800
- From: bb953@scn.org (SCN User)
- Subject: Version Numbers
- Is there a master list of version numbers for popular programs and
- utilities available on the net?
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 21:42:08 -0500
- From: Scott Coats <pp001325@interramp.com>
- Subject: Vivid Computer Video Projectors...
- I purchased two Vivid Systems (Fremont, CA) LimeLight computer video
- projectors at an auction. Neither seems to work (they only cast a green glow
- onto the projector screen) and Vivid does not appear to be in business any
- longer. At least I can't seem to find them...
- 1. Will the projector, once fixed, work with the video out from my PM8100AV?
- 2. Does anyone know of a service center for Vivid's products or how to get a
- hold of someone from Vivid?
- Please cc: your replies to me.
- Thanks.
- Scott Coats <pp001325@interramp.com>
- Innovative Solutions
- 218 Second Street
- Key Largo, FL 33037-4837
- INSOLUTION@aol.com
- INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- 305/451-4560 Vox
- 305/451-2411 Fax
- ------------------------------
- Date: 7 Nov 1994 15:08:32 GMT
- From: Jan Skramstad <Jan.Skramstad@kjemi.uio.no>
- Subject: Wanted: Loudspeaker design program
- I would appreciate any information about Mac programs for the design of
- loudspeakers, preferentially shareware programs. Please e-mail to:
- Jan.Skramstad@kjemi.uio.no.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 94 12:04:57 PST
- From: Backup Moderator <backmod>
- Date: Sun, 6 Nov 1994 09:09:23 +48000
- From: Guy Shaviv <guy@arshaviv.technion.ac.il>
- To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: [*] X-Windows for Mac
- Message-Id: <Pine.SGI.3.90.941106090824.806A-100000@arshaviv.technion.ac.il>
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- As requested by some, I am posting the smallest subset of responses
- which covers all the suggestions received concerning the question of running
- X-emulation on the mac.
- Cheers
- Markus
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/x-windows-for-mac.txt; 4K]
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